Norway´s resources of natural gas up in the North Cape area are vital for Norway´s economy and future survival. One of the largest facilities is in Hammerfest.
Nato has issued Norway to work out an immediate defense plan for the most northern parts of the country, insisting on ground troops and saying that NAF (Norwegian Airforce) is not capable of protecting their facilities only from the air.
Satellite images have shown for the past eight months an increase of arctic and sub-arctic activity from eastern forces which probably has influenced Nato´s request to Norway.
Norway as a Nato country is now hosting a military exercise near the Russian border. Sweden is joining in to evaluate ...its Nato member ship and assist with their long experience of sub arctic warfare. Nato command sees Rangers as the only possible operational units in the rough arctic environment. Now they want to test their theory.
Nato wants to know how this border area best can be protected from an invading enemy. Therefore a large co-op exercise is set up. Other Nato countries are ordered to send in their Ranger units for more arctic environment training incase Nato would need to assist Norway in the defense of the arctic.
The maneuver has come to Russia’s attention and was condemned immediately. A counter exercise was set up by the Russians on their own side of the border. Cross border observations were made by Swedish units already in place, before Nato, confirming An-124 airdrops of both troops and material.
Swedish units also confirm the find of cross border ski tracks in the southern parts of the border, ending up in major speculations and investigations. Rough weathers wiped out the tracks unfortunate for the follow up. Nato says that civilian activity in these areas are very,very rare. Soldiers believe that Eastern Forces are operating over the borders and have done so for a long time to map the area. After the finding of cross border tracks Norway airdropped a large amount of live ammunition to their exercising troops.
Operation Yeti has started
- Every participating person needs to bring pen and paper.
- You must read the terms of agreement for Mil.Ex. before you come to the area. [Read here!]
- [Reference - Border map above] Use of roads.
<-- Roads left of BLUE border line Roads right of RED border line -->
NATO, NO, LJ basic 10min respawn Russian troops basic 10min respawn
Russian troops 60min respawn NATO, NO, LJ basic 60min respawn
SSMG Mil.Ex (Military Experience)
Ranger units arctic warefare (Jägarstrid vinter)
Level 4 & 5
Feb 26-28 2016
Last sign up date 2016.01.31
Check in 261000-261200
Check-in place; Your base camp in the game area. For detailed info talk to:
ASU: Victor
Norwegian side: Marc
Lapplandsjägarna side: Johan H
Off game tent building everyone 261200-261800
Sunrise: 06:57
Sunset: 17:17
Game durability Fri 18:00 – Sun 08:00
Off game tent packing everyone from 280800
Norway/Russian border
PRELIMINARY GAME AREA (Brand new, never before played)
Nato and Norwegian mountain rangers
Swedish Rangers (Lapplandsjägare)
ASU - Arctic Spetsnaz Units
- Heated tents from SSMG[10pcs of 12man tents] and [2pcs of 20man tents]
- This is an extra pyro event.
- Game area split 50/50 (West and East)
- No motorized vehicles over the nation borders.
- Over the border operations only on foot, skis or snowshoes.
- Rules for smoke grenades: OK all terrain wintertime – Do not throw at vehicles or people. Pick up remains after use.
- Carbines, single fire only and Max 130m/s measured with 0.20g BB
- Support weapons, auto only
- Support weapons 5.56mm – Max 140m/s measured with 0.20g BB
- Support weapons 7.62mm or higher – Max 150m/s measured with 0.20g BB
SSMG Mil.Ex. weapon rules
Type |
Real Caliber |
m/s |
Safety Distance |
Sidearm |
Regardless |
Up to 105 |
3m |
Carbines & SMG |
Regardless |
105-130 |
10m |
Support (SAW) |
Up to 7.61mm |
130-140 |
20m |
Support (SAW) |
7.62 and higher |
140-150 |
30m |
Sniper Semi or Bolt |
Regardless |
Max 200 |
40m |
Meters/second is for 0.20BB only. You are not allowed to match your muzzle speed with/to a heavier BB. It is optional to trim your weapon to the maximum trim limit. Your safety distance is what your weapon is doing in m/s.
- Tracer kit requirements from 2018 on all Mil.Ex events. Until then it is only a request from SSMG. Those of you that start using from 2016 are especially thanked and ahead of the game.
- Bring own ski´s, or snow shoes if you like.
Price: 900SEK
Includes: 12 military tents, wood, extra pyro, game area fee etc